The SOMNOtouchTM RESP combines the comfort, function and power of much larger sleep diagnostic devices but in a small perfectly formed size. At only 64 g and 84 mm x 55 mm - it is one of the lightest, most modular & powerful polygraphy devices on the market today.
With the addition of a simplified sleep staging module allows you to have the details of sleep stages in a home or ambulatory set up – in a simple way. Picking up both EEG and EOG signals opens up a whole new world of diagnostic possibilities for better therapy management.
The fastest and easiest way for ambulatory use is the combination electrode with 1x EEG and 2x EOG. The sensor is applied with disposable adhesive electrodes and can be applied by the patient themselves. Thanks to the recording of 1x EEG and 2x EOG, the most important sleep quantification curves can be recorded and analyzed. The correlation between a measurement evaluated manually and a measurement with the combination electrode is almost 80%
- Sleep scoring according to AASM (4 EEG, 2 EOG, 1 EMG)
- PLM detection
- Blood pressure determination (via Pulse Transit Time, PTT)
- Interface to CO2 measurement device