How Do You Know If You Slept Well? 5 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality
Oct 11, 21
How can you know if you slept well the night before? Maybe you got your full eight hours of sleep, woke up feeling rested, or both. But, exactly, what does it mean to sleep properly and achieve quality sleep?
Getting the necessary 7-9 hours of sleep per night isn't enough for a good night's sleep. In reality, the quality of your sleep is just as important as the number of hours you sleep each night.
Thankfully, many of these problems can be resolved with a few simple lifestyle changes, allowing you to receive the rest you need. But before we get into it, let's take a look at what constitutes good sleep quality.
Signs of Good Sleep Quality
Here are some signs that you get a good & healthy night's sleep:
• You feel energized throughout the day
• You wake up feeling refreshed
• You're focused, clear-headed and in a good mood.
The contrast between good and bad sleep quality is like night and day, no pun intended. When it comes to having a good night's sleep, it's important to strike a balance between quantity and quality. To feel relaxed and renewed, you must get enough hours of excellent quality sleep and not build sleep debt. So, how can you increase your sleep quality and get a better night's sleep?
How to Improve Sleep Quality
Changing your lifestyle and improving your sleep quality can be as simple as making a few small changes. Check out Morpheus Healthcare's 5 tips on how to improve your sleep quality and get a better night's sleep.
- Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule
One of the simplest changes you can make to guarantee the peaceful sleep you require is establishing a consistent bedtime. All you have to do is go to bed and wake up simultaneously every day to achieve this. But what if you're unsure about what time you should go to bed?
Finding your optimal bedtime according to your chronotype is one of the greatest ways to do it. Your chronotype is the natural tendency of your body to be awake or asleep at specific times.
If you're having trouble sleeping despite obtaining a full night's sleep, it's conceivable you're working against your chronotype by going to bed when your internal clock is trying to keep you awake!
- Good Sleep Hygiene
Getting a good night's sleep necessitates appropriate sleep hygiene. All of our habits before bed, including what we do each evening to decompress before going to sleep, are considered part of sleep hygiene. The right practices can mean the difference between a restful night's sleep and another one.
If you're not sure where to start, consider the following suggestions:
- 1 or 2 hours before bedtime, take a warm bath or shower.
- In a sleep journal, write down your ideas to assist you in decompressing and relieve stress.
- Incorporate relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine.
- Make Sure Your Bedroom Is Conducive to Sleep
You might not believe it, but your bedroom could be the source of your tiredness in the morning. You want your bedroom to be the ideal setting for receiving the restful, deep sleep you need to perform at your best. Fortunately, there are some simple adjustments you may do to achieve this.
Install blackout curtains on your windows if you're light-sensitive or if your job requires you to sleep during the day.
Consider utilizing a white noise sound machine to create a relaxing environment or to mask any distracting sounds, such as snoring partners or pets.
- Caffeine and alcohol consumption should be limited.
Caffeine is the most frequent 'pick-me-up' product when you're sleepy and sluggish during the day due to its stimulating effects. If you take caffeinated beverages daily, make sure you stop at least six hours before bedtime. If you want, you can try caffeine-free alternatives to your coffees, teas, or sodas in the afternoon.
Although alcohol does not keep you awake like caffeine, it can undermine your sleep quality in various ways. Sleep disorders such as short sleep duration, insomnia, and circadian rhythm irregularities are frequently linked to alcohol usage. Alcohol can also induce or exacerbate snoring by relaxing the soft tissues in your throat, obstructing your airways.
- No Electronic Devices in the Bedroom.
We always tell our patients that light is a medicine and that the correct sorts of light must be consumed to be healthy. The sun's blue and white light are essential for your mood, mental clarity, and sleep cycle regulation.
Artificial blue light from electronic devices such as smartphones, computer displays, televisions, and even LED lights, on the other hand, is a major cause of sleep deprivation. This is not good news, particularly so close to sleep. Artificial blue light exposure before bed decreases your natural melatonin production, making it difficult to fall asleep on time or sleep through the night.
The best way to ensure that your electronics don't disrupt your sleep is to turn them off at least 60 minutes, but preferably 90 minutes, before going to bed.
When to Seek Help
Positive lifestyle adjustments can help you sleep better, but they won't fix the problem if the fundamental cause is a sleep condition such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or insomnia. If you're continuously exhausted, wake up feeling tired and sluggish, a simple consultation or sleep study could be just what you need to get back on track to better sleep.
Get a sleep test from a Sleep Specialist, Health Counsellor, or Insomnia Doctor to determine possible treatment options. The sooner you recognize any underlying issues, the sooner you can begin to heal.
And that's where Morpheus Health Care comes in. We're a group of doctors, clinical experts, and medical technicians who provide expert treatment and service assistance. So, you'll know what to say the next time someone asks, "Do you know any sleep doctor near me?". Feel free to contact us for more information regarding our services.